Am 28. September 2022 trafen wir uns mit Ina Horlings, Professorin für sozialräumliche Planung an der Universität Groningen. Sie arbeitet an einer Studie, bei der es um die Frage geht, wie Bürger*innen aktiv werden und Initiativen gründen, um gemeinsam nachhaltigere Orte zu gestalten, was sie konkret für ihre Umwelt tun, aber auch woher deren Motivation kommt. Wir sprachen über die Herausforderung des Klimawandels, der u.a. zu steigenden Temperaturen und Dürre führt, wie Bürger*innen Führungsqualitäten zeigen können und über die Werte, die Menschen zum Handeln motivieren.
Das Interview ist Teil eines größeren Projekts, in dem Prof. Horlings Führungskräfte transformativer Bürgerinitiativen untersucht, die auf die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels und der Nachhaltigkeit reagieren. Dazu wurden bereits Interviews mit Initiativen in Barcelona und in Cornwall (UK) geführt.

Dear members of Dresden Giesst,
My name is Ina Horlings and I am a professor in socio-spatial planning at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. I am interested in how citizens take the lead in shaping more sustainable places together. I am not just curious what people do to take care for their environment but also why.
On Tuesday sept.28th I talked to Peter Skyba and Nadja Goemert of the group at Stresemannplatz, who were so kind to have an inerview with me about your wonderful initiative.
We spoke about the challenge of climate change which results in increasing temperatures and drought, how citizens can show leadership and about the values which motivate people to take action.
The interview is part of a larger project where I research leaders of transformative citizen initiatives responding to climate change and sustainability challenges. I already conducted interviews with leaders in Barcelona and in Cornwall (UK). My goal is not just to teach about these initiatives but also to write about it in scientific publications.
Good luck to all members of Dresden Giesst!
Ina Horlings

Mehr Informationen:
Ina Horlings
Prof. Socio-spatial planning, Faculty of Spatial Sciences

Some recent publications:
– Schreuder, W. and L.G. Horlings (2022) Transforming places together: transformative community strategies responding to climate change and sustainability challenges. In: Climate Action.
– Ulug, C., Trell, EM. & Horlings, L. (2021) Ecovillage foodscapes: zooming in and out of sustainable food practices. Agric. Hum. Values,
– Leitheiser S, Trell E-M, Horlings I, Franklin A. (2021) Toward the commoning of governance. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. doi:10.1177/23996544211033992
– Horlings, I., Lamker, C. W., Puerari, E., Rauws, W., & van der Vaart, G. (2021). Citizen Engagement in Spatial Planning, Shaping Places Together. Sustainability, 13(19), [11006].
– Horlings, L. G., Roep, D., Mathijs, E., & Marsden, T. (2020). Exploring the transformative capacity of placeshaping practices. Sustainability Science, 15(2), 353-362.
– Horlings, L.G., Nieto-Romero, M., Pisters, S. et al. (2020) Operationalising transformative sustainability science through place-based research: the role of researchers. Sustain Sci 15, 467–484.